Where the Puck Is Going to Be ?

Since the dawn of mankind, the question: now what ?,  has been troubling us a lot. So you have finished a task, achieved a milestone, accomplished a goal, now what ? Do you stop there or thrive for more ?

This question relates to progress of software projects in a much more philosophical way. If we consider the typical software development life cycle, it always starts with a finite set of problems. Starting from todo list applications to complex solutions, the beginning is always from a finite set of problems which goes on evolving as you develop. And at each step, creator of software has to take a moment and think where all of this is going ? It is safe to assume that processes like agile, iterative and incremental software development have emerged from the same phenomena. To give software creators more room in order to analyse how software is taking shape.

An awesome quote by Wayne Gretzky: I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been. In software world, this quote tells us how to comprehend the question of now what. For example, you just came up with a great idea, but someone else has already implemented it! what do you do ? do you stop there ? or try to figure out how to make it better ? If you’re thinking in this direction, you’re already on right track! Figuring out how to make the world a better place to live in, always leads to something interesting.

Its insanely important to keep asking for the next big thing, the next mind blowing feature you’re going to deliver, in this exact process lies the root of innovation. Lot of folks talk about innovation, but none of them tell you the crux of it! Innovation isn’t necessarily something out of the box or something you’ve never seen before, but a simple twist in our mundane life. Innovation is a lifestyle, not a goal, it’s a mindset one has to live in.

Software and innovation have to be intertwined together. While writing software, developer always has to keep thinking about how to make his solution more appealing, more enchanted. The magic touch his solution is going provide to this world. And all of this comes from the question we started with, now what ?