{{err}} type help for entire command list {{keySequence}}  

What is this ?

task manager for hackers, simple and elegant. If you're tired of touching mouse again and again for managing your tasks, then this is for you. Head over to github for more information.



ns - new swimlane
ns [,swimlane name]
nt - new task
nt swimlaneid [,task name]


dn [,swimlaneid] {taskid expression}
mv {taskid expression} swimlaneid
eds swimlaneid [,name]
edt swimlaneid taskid [,name]


delt swimlaneid {taskid expression}
dels smimlaneid

and Read on the page

Allowed expressions for tasks

1-5 cosiders tasks from #1 to #5
1,5,4 cosiders tasks #1, #5, #4

type x to close this